Economic Liberation

Imagine a world where you are truly valued.


An evolutionary economic system that accords with reality, reason, and life empowering human potential on a regenerating planet.

Creditism replaces traditional debt-based money with a Flow Credit currency, thus revolutionizing economics.

By reimagining the fundamentals of credit and capital, we establish the foundation for a true civilization that guarantees life with sovereignty, opportunity, and liberty for every planetary citizen.

Unlike our current system where banks create and control credit but issue it as debt, Creditism ensures Credit currency flows directly to all individuals: debt-free, interest-free, and tax-free. Credit, the unit of exchange, is created when earned and deleted when spent, eliminating the need for banks, taxes, stocks, insurance, and other financial instruments that often lead to corruption or coercion.

The elegant simplicity of Creditism lies in its universal flow: all receive Credit and use it to acquire goods from the open market of shared resources or to exchange personal possessions. As a Flow currency, it bypasses the circulatory nature of debt money, negating the need for complex redistribution schemes. Instead, it offers a fair-flowing, infinite, standardized distribution system.

Creditism advocates for an economy where you are valued inalienably in your existence first. This model envisions a future where you are free to pursue your passions and contribute to an open, thriving, and equitable family.

It's time for a new game of life...

Common Planet

The Story of Our World Today

Our world is controlled by fictional entities – states and corporations – battling over Earth’s vast commons. These legal constructs dominate the global economy with a single mission: accumulate control over land, water, energy, minerals, and labor. Their power grows through money creation – units of credit that command real assets. Rather than representing actual wealth, this money directs labor, acquires resources, and builds further control.

The system runs on fictional assets – stocks, bonds, and financial instruments – traded and leveraged for profit while exploiting real resources and human lives. Under capitalism, those who best manipulate these units are rewarded, often at the planet’s and people’s expense. States and corporations form alliances, compete, and wage wars, turning everything into commodities: land, water, food, air, even time. They use coercion, debt, and artificial scarcity to drive labor. While promising growth, they deliver inequality, environmental damage, and social disconnection.

A New Story For Humanity

Common Planet offers a different vision – one where resources are shared, cooperation is valued, and humanity’s collective efforts shape our future. It envisions a world free from debt and exploitation, where the economy serves people rather than the reverse. This isn’t just an economic shift; it’s a complete redesign of how society operates.

Rules, Choices, & Sovereignty

Life operates on rules – from social norms to economic systems. But what if we had a real voice in creating these rules? Currently, states and corporations dictate how resources flow, who benefits, and who struggles. People have little say in economic or political decisions, including how currency is distributed.

Currency itself could be democratic – like votes, it can express preferences and determine resource use. Unlike today’s money, a truly democratic currency wouldn’t lose value, get lost, or be stolen. Instead, it would flow infinitely, available to all, enabling both collective decisions and individual autonomy without creating winners and losers.

The Current Game: CAPITALISM

Capitalism drives endless asset accumulation, with states and corporations as dominant players. It began – and continues – as a fight to own common resources. States claim territories while corporations secure extraction rights and labor markets.

This system transforms both real and abstract capital. Natural resources and human potential become privately held assets, while financial instruments multiply through complex mechanisms. The goal never changes: accumulation. Those controlling the most assets gain disproportionate influence, creating a cycle where economic power fuels political power.

People find themselves trapped in this system. The privatization of commons and debt-based economy force individuals to sell their labor just to survive. Basic necessities require currency, making everyone dependent on a system that doesn’t distinguish between money needed for survival and money used for accumulation. As wealth concentrates at the top, society fractures below.


Creditism realigns these fundamentals. Instead of prioritizing private ownership, it emphasizes collective stewardship. Rather than accumulating assets, it focuses on creating and sharing value through participation. Communities collectively generate and allocate Credit based on contributions to shared goals.

Under Creditism, real resources – land, labor, data – are managed cooperatively. Credit isn’t created through loans but earned through beneficial activities: work, learning, caregiving. It appears through participation and disappears once spent, preventing wealth concentration. This direct creation bypasses traditional financial institutions, eliminating debt-based currency.

Choice-Making, Democracy, & Currency

In Creditism, currency becomes a democratic tool – each unit of Credit represents a choice about resource management. Communities determine how Credit is generated, used, and rewarded, making it serve collective well-being rather than individual profit. This decentralized approach empowers individuals to actively shape their communities instead of passively accepting decisions made by distant entities.

From Scarcity to Abundance

Creditism’s elegance lies in its universal flow: everyone receives Credit to acquire goods from an open marketplace of shared resources or exchange personal possessions. As a Flow currency, it eliminates the need for complex redistribution schemes, offering fair, infinite distribution. Value ties directly to real contributions, not speculation. People earn through participation rather than struggling constantly for currency.

Redefining Success

This system fosters equitable prosperity, measuring wealth not by ownership but by effective resource use to uplift communities. Labor is contributed, not sold. Credit flows to all, not just a few. By emphasizing cooperation, sustainability, and shared stewardship, Creditism redefines success as building thriving, inclusive societies. It marks our return to a Common Planet where everyone can choose, contribute, and flourish – the end of debt and the beginning of shared abundance.



Open Planetary Play

You get to exist just for being you.

I wonder how you’ll surprise us.

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